Rolling Chassis Section
Still the UK's No.1 specialist motorcycle bespoke chassis manufacturer.
Click on the arrows to the side of the images below for a selection of rolling chassis we have put together.
What can we build you !
Rolling Chassis Price List.
Prices start at £5318 for both Kit 'A' and Kit 'B' as shown below.
(Please ask about our current special offers on Rolling Chassis kits!! Email;
All cycle parts that we do not make in house are imported from mainland europe and the USA. Parts prices have increased over the last year and we have had to adjust our chassis price to suit.
These price eaxamples include a Sportster Bobber/barhopper frame in 1" tube.
All chassis can be assembled around any one of our frames for any of the engines shown on our main link page.
Ring 01945 582533 NOW!
(Prices subject to change contact for exact quote)
All parts assembled and wheels spaced correctly on all rollers supplied
Kit A; Basic rolling chassis kit assembled. (from £3757)
Or add the following to kit A for a full rolling chassis.
Kit B
(Kit B extra parts listed below from £1561)
Total price for full rolling chassis includes Kit A + Kit B above; from £5318 all inclusive (excludes delivery).
Please ask about our special discounts available on these rollers!
This is a fully assembled roller in bare metal ready for you to dry build. To take your engine and foot/hand controls, pipe and wire it up!!
Frame kit options here which allow you to pick the parts you actually need. Email your list of parts and we will put a bespoke package together.
Please contact us for more info on any chassis options
On a tighter budget go to our Frame kit Section. There are options and prices for individual frame extras so you can build that bespoke frame kit.
Chassis Kits can be designed to use as many original parts off a donor bike inc. stock wheels and forks. Springer forks can be retro-fitted at a later date. You can build a Fenland Bobber in a weekend :)
All kits are bespoke and made to order so you tell us what you want
and we will put a package together.
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All rights reserved.